How to make money online?

After a year looking for job, going back to school to do a post graduate diploma in Business, thinking that might help in finding a job in this difficult economic crisis. But only disappointment when I really finished the first semester, what an out dated knowledge are they teaching in school, books are at least two years out dated, professors are even older with not a lot of real working experience, the worst is the traditional, still industrial way of thinking when it comes to business management. Moral business training that never works in real life, and we have to debate over and over again, hardly any talks about technology that can help in this new digital age of business environment. I felt totally wasting of my time and money, therefore decided abandon all studies and do it on my own. Let’s studying online, to find out how to make money online, and survive in global crisis and this is what I am going to share with you of my learning process step by step.

There is internet affiliate program, which is less effect and time involved for beginners. If you have trouble understand the process please follow my blog and I will share my learning experience with you.

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